Come Along With Me

“They Don’t Act Like That When You’re Not Here”

Do you get hit with the “They don’t act like that when you’re not here” after you get home, and you have two kids screaming and crying over everything. You go run errands for a couple of hours and as soon as you walk through the door you’re greeted with screams and cries and for some reason everyone fighting. Your […]

How to Manage the Busy Sports Parents Life

When your weeknights are filled with waiting for practices to end and weekends spent traveling to those long away games. You couldn’t wait to say your schedule is filled with practices and games because your busy sports parents. You can’t wait for your kids to be at that age where they want to be in sports. You start them out […]

The Terrible Twos or Are They Terrific Twos?

Right when you get through the newborn stage, the sleepless nights, the learning to crawl and walk, and those stubborn teeth making their way through, the “terrible twos” are creeping in. But are they really that terrible. Everyone tells you when you have a newborn to just wait for the terrible twos stage to get here. We look at our […]

Is It Bedtime Yet Because I’m A Tired Mother

It’s been a long day. You’ve picked a million toys up off the floor, cleaned up 25 messes of food or drinks, heard the word momma about 100 times, you’ve changed 10 diapers 2 of which are poop. You’ve been thrown up and snotted on. Fed a hungry child the endless snacks because they’re always hungry. Ran to the grocery […]

Why I Love Thrifting

Why I Love to Thrift and Use Hand-Me-Downs Thrifting has become extremely popular these days. When you have your first baby you can’t wait to go buy all the cute little outfits, blankets and everything to make your baby styling. When we had our first, I know we spent a lot on new clothes, shoes, hats, coats and cute little […]

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