Reset Your Week with this Super Simple List

Reset Your Week with this Super Simple List

Super Simple Steps to Reset Your Week

Reset Your Week with these Simple Steps

Reset Your your week by doing these 10 simple steps: Don’t forget about your laundry!

Let’s Reset Your Week! How do you spend your Sundays? The day to rest and relax, unwind from the previous week. All your kids are home and going crazy. There are loads of laundry to be done, rooms to be cleaned, things to be planned. Your kids are asking to go everywhere. There’s so much to do and you just want to relax and enjoy the day

Sunday for me is a reset day. I’ve recently started to use it as a get things done day. Get all that laundry done, do some dusting and mops the floors. Put things back where they belong. Go through my weekly dinner menu to see what we need to get that I waited for. Glance at the calendar to see what appointments, practices or games are happening that week. I want to know what the week has for us to mentally prepare and be ready.

Having all the laundry done for the week is one thing that I really try to get done on Sundays. I usually have around 4-5 loads of clothes and towels and then our bed sheets and the littles. I used to feel like laundry was something that I did all the time! It was never ending, day after day I was putting a load or two in. Where did all these clothes come from?? I no sooner would get things put away and there would be another pile on the bathroom floor ready to be washed. I hated running the washer every day!

I changed my mind set and decided to not worry about laundry throughout the week. I will wait until Sunday to get it all done. Something about seeing the loads slowly dwindle down from their piles is satisfying to me. If you know, you know. Yes, it is a whole days’ worth of putting clothes in and out of the washer and dryer but it’s one day rather than all week. Even though my older two do their own laundry, we somehow end up with endless piles.

In between all the laundry loads, I get some much-needed cleaning done. All the little fingerprints on everything, the random food papers that get lodged and hidden, the dishes that have been sitting on the counter for days, toys that have just been thrown anywhere and everywhere. I like to get everything where it belongs. As the week goes on, I start to not care and just throw things in random places because it’s a constant pickup game. Ya put something where it belongs, and it ends up right back out on the floor. And before you know it, its chaos and you can’t find anything.

Wiping everything down, the coffee table, tv stand, windows, dusting pictures, wiping down the fridge, stove and countertops. Give the floors a good mopping. Pulling the couch out and seeing what’s hidden under it and finding something I’ve searched all week for. Organizing the kids toy room and cleaning it. Getting everything ready for a weeks’ worth of chaos.

Getting all the necessary cleaning done on Sunday makes it so I can hopefully enjoy my week. Making it so there’s minimal cleaning to do midweek. Having clean clothes and fresh sheets all week. Knowing where we need to be and when before the week starts by checking the Calander. It seems like a lot of work for a day that’s meant for resting. I’m a person who can’t rest when I know there’s things to be done, thing to be washed and cleaned. Doing this Sunday reset has made my weeks go smoother and less chaotic.

Are you looking to start doing reset day? It doesn’t have to be Sunday. Whatever day works for you. A day off, one day where you have a little extra time. Even if it’s just to get the piles and piles of laundry done. Reset your week and set yourself up for success for the rest!

Try these simple steps to get started on your Sunday Reset Day!

Step 1: Wake up and get to it

When you wake up on whatever day you want to reset, get right to it! Don’t sit and scroll on your phone or play games. Get up, get your coffee or tea and put a load of laundry in right away. Get it started as soon as you can. The longer you put it off, the more likely you won’t get started at all. I know if I sit down for too long, I can talk myself out of doing anything at all. So, get up and get started!

Step 2: Pick up whatever is out of place

Go through your rooms. Our main rooms we spend the most time in is the kitchen, living room and the kid’s playroom. Everything ends up in the living room. Everything from toys, clothes, dishes, backpacks, shoes, empty bottles and food papers. Get everything and put it where it belongs. Clear off your coffee tables, end stands, and kitchen table. We’re fortunate enough to have a playroom so all the toys go in that room. Pick up all the trash that’s been gathering around. Backpacks, shoes and coats have a closet or bedroom they can be put in. Just get everything where it belongs.

Step 3: Wipe everything down

Time to clean up all those cute little fingerprints that littles leave on everything. Wipe down that coffee table that is used as a second table. Clean off the tv stand and end tables. Get those windows free of fingerprints. Don’t forget the fridges love marks too. Go through and clean everything. It might be a lot but it’s one less thing you’ll have to do throughout the week.

Step 4: Laundry

Don’t forget to switch your laundry over and start a new load!

Step 5: Sweep and Mop

After you’ve wiped everything down go through and sweep and mop. Sweep everything! Get under the couch and behind the stands, get those spots where all the dirt migrates to, and you don’t normally reach. With 4 kids and 2 big dogs everything seems to gather under our couch. So, I like to pull that out and get all the fun stuff under there. Hair and dirt gather quickly and while I still sweep once, sometimes twice a day I miss those hard-to-reach places. Find yourself a good mop and some good floor cleaner and get those floors squeaky clean!

Step 6: Organize

I know stuff around here gets thrown wherever throughout the week. Piled on top of the freezer, the counters, thrown in corners. I like to be organized. I like things to have a place. Go around and find everything that has a home and put it away. My kids’ toys, coats and shoes, pots and pans that are left out because they’re used daily. Cereal or snacks that are left on the counter, put it all away! It’s easier to find things when you know exactly where they should be.

Step 7: Some more laundry

Yep, go back and check on that laundry! If it’s time switch it! New load in the washer while the clean ones are put in the dryer. Don’t forget to fold the dried clothes. Fold them so they’re ready to be put away and not getting wrinkles.

Step 8: Check that calender

Go through and see where you need to be this week. Check the times and make sure you’re not missing anything and won’t be late. I know I’ve looked at appointment reminders two weeks before and I end up reading it wrong or reading the wrong reminder text and show up 4 hours later then I was supposed to. Make sure you know where and when you need to be places! If you’re dinners are planned already (check out my monthly dinner menu planning) go through and see if you need to get anything. If you do, write it down and make sure you plan on getting it the next day!

Step 9: Finish up the laundry

Go back and check on that laundry again! Switch when it’s time and don’t forget about it! Once it’s all done make sure you put it all away! It’s not done if it’s not put away.

Step 10: Sit back and relax!

Time to put your feet up and relax for the rest of your day. Knowing the house is cleaned and your laundry is done. I know I feel relieved when I get the cleaning done for the week and everyone has clean clothes to wear.

I know this doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for our family. Do what works for you whatever day of the week that is. Do as much as you can when you have the time. It makes our week easier; we can do more as a family and it’s one less thing I have to worry about throughout the week.