To the Person You Chose to Do This Crazy Life With: We See You, We Appreciate You!
You can sometimes forget about the person you chose to do life within the middle of raising your kids, trying to manage a household, making sure everyone is taken care of and happy. Your relationship gets pushed to the side and you forget that you’re still a couple.
Sometimes we forget to tell them how much we appreciate everything they do for us. Forget to let them know that it doesn’t go unseen.
I was having a rough night after the kids got home from school. My teenagers forgot that they were right next to each other and didn’t have to yell. They kept kicking each other and picking on each other. We were trying to watch a movie with what seemed like the sound to be at 100, the littles were running around, one crying because the other wouldn’t let him have one of the millions of cars. And I could somehow hear my daughter’s phone on top of all of it.
There were toys scattered everywhere, dirty dishes in the sink and the kitchen was a mess.
Before I lost my mind, my fiancé tells me to turn the movie off and go get a bath. He knew what was coming. He knew if one more small thing happened there was the possibility that mom rage was going to enter the house. (If you want some ideas on how to keep mom rage under control head to my page on how to beat the mom burnout) He saw the windmill turning inside my brain.
I slowly get to the bath after him telling me a couple of times, sit and relax for about 20 minutes or so. When I come down, all the toys are picked up. All of it.
He knew I needed a moment to myself. He knew what I needed in that moment. He knew I needed to step away and he could help in the only way he knew how to.
He doesn’t realize how much those little things really mean to me.
I don’t tell him enough how much those little things mean to me.

So, to the person you chose to do life with…
Thank you for being understanding.
Thank you for being my better half.
Thank you for giving me time and being patient with me.
Thank you for being calm with me when I’m anything but calm.
Thank you for being kind.
Thank you for picking up the slack when I’m down.
Thank you for doing the little things.
Thank you for not getting angry with me even when I get angry with you.
Thank you for helping me put my needs on my to do list.
Thank you for standing by me in all that I do.
Thank you for supporting me in all the crazy things I try to do.
Thank you for never giving up on me.
Thank you for all the small things you do that you think go unnoticed.
Thank you for giving out the extra effort when I have no more to give.
Thank you for all that you do to allow me to stay home with our kids.
Thank you for allowing me to see me for who I really am.
Thank you for bringing out the best in me.
Thank you for seeing me.
Thank you for being the best father I could have asked for to our kids.
Thank you for filling my cup when I neglect my needs.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for choosing me to do life with.
Just Thank You!
Don’t forget to let them know how much you really appreciate and see everything they do for your family. Don’t let them feel unseen.
Thank you for picking up the slack when I’m down, and for not judging me when my idea of “productivity” is rearranging my sock drawer.
Yes! When they get pulled into our projects and don’t complain at all!