8 of the Greatest Tips for Being the Best Stay-at-Home Mom You Can Be

8 of the Greatest Tips for Being the Best Stay-at-Home Mom You Can Be

Whether you choose to be a stay-at-home mom, or the stay-at-home mom life chose you. Being a SAHM mom is both rewarding and overwhelming all at the same time. Just like leaving your house, going to your 9-5 job, clocking in and out, it can become frustrating, repetitious and can make you go insane.

There will be days when you feel like you’ve accomplished all that you need to do and then days where you’re questioning if you’re meant to be playing this role. Let’s face it, no one is happy all the time with whatever it is they’re doing. There are ups and downs in all aspects of your life including motherhood.

Unlike leaving the house every day to go to a job, there are sometimes you won’t leave your house for 3-4 days. You won’t get dressed, shower or wash your hair.

I know, I know, when you think about quitting your job to be a stay-at-home mom you can’t imagine you’d ever get to the point where you stop taking care of yourself. How could you right?

It happens oh so quickly before you know it, you’re a week in with unwashed hair and don’t really remember that last time you had a long hot shower.

I know I get so comfortable with not having to be anywhere except home with my kids that I put off washing my hair, getting dressed or taking care of myself.

It’s a repetitive process.

It’s so easy to get lost, especially in the cold months when you’re stuck in the house, playing Trouble 20 times a day, building blocks, constantly cleaning up messes and picking up toys.

You forget that this moment in your life is the greatest years you’re going to experience. Being a stay-at-home mom is a blessing.

Alot of the times your days are spent with just you and your littles and it gets overwhelming and lonely.

After 14 years of being home with my kids I’ve learned that you need to just take one day at a time. Live in that moment and embrace it.

If your vision is to be a stay-at-home mom or if you’re already living that life and are stuck in the days where you don’t know if you can do it anymore, try these tips to make yourself just a little happier and enjoy every moment watching your kids grow into the beautiful humans you’re raising.

1. Get Out of the House

You need to leave your house at least one time a week. Whether it be going to the park, library, roam around your favorite store or go for a walk. We’re not meant to be stuck in the 4 walls of your home 24/7.

2. Get Outside

If you don’t feel like leaving your house, get outside for some fresh air. Let your littles explore and play in the mud. Go for walks, explore the neighborhood, get some exercise. It’ll be good for your mental and physical health.

3. Take Care of Yourself

This one is important. If you don’t take care of yourself, how are you supposed to take care of your littles. To be the best stay-at-home mom, you need to feel your best. Start a morning routine, exercise, make yourself a priority. Try these simple tips to start taking care of yourself.

4. Wake Up Earlier

Wake up a half hour to an hour before your kids. Get yourself prepared for the day, have a cup of coffee in the quiet. I wake up 2 hours before my littles do, to do things for myself. I try to get a workout in, shower or get a bath, read sometimes or work on my blog. I find when I wake up when my kids wake up my whole day is off.

5. Start Routines

Morning routines and nighttime routines, figure out what works for you. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated just start with small things like getting up, get dressed, eat breakfast, playtime for the kiddos, get outside for a little and then naptime. Try to find a little structure in your day.

6. Allow Independant Play Time

Don’t feel like you have to play with your kids all day every day. Let them learn to play by themselves and use their imagination. Let them learn to figure things out on their own when they’re struggling. As long as you have eyes on them and know they’re being safe, letting them play alone is okay.

7. Learn to Let Things Go

You’re going to drive yourself crazy if you try to keep your house clean every day. Keeping up with the laundry, making sure all the toys are in the correct places and organized. I use one day a week to get caught up on all the cleaning, laundry and go through and reorganize everything. Certain things can wait to be done, don’t get caught up in the idea of needing everything to be perfect. Take a look at my Reset Day post for some ideas.

8. Just Breathe

Try to remember to relax and breathe once in a while. It’s going to get frustrating, overwhelming, and lonely. There will be days where you will want to go back to a job just so you can help contribute to the finances, or to fight the boredom that sometimes comes along with it. Days where you’re questioning your life as a stay-at-home mom and if that’s what you’re meant to be doing. Remember to take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is exactly where your meant to be and it’s going to be gone before you know it wishing for just one more crazy day of raising your children.

Becoming a stay-at-home mom 14 years ago, it’s hard to even think it’s been 14 years, I still forget to live in the moment sometimes. I still tend to forget to take care of myself. I’m still learning to just breathe most days.

But being a SAHM is something I would choose 100 times over again, because this is where I’m meant to be.

Now go out there and be the best stay-at-home mom that you can be for your family!


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