Get Yourself Ready in the Mornings to Feel Amazing Again
Get Yourself Ready Every Morning To Feel Amazing
8 Super Simple Steps to Get Yourself Ready Every Morning
Do you get yourself together in the mornings when you aren’t leaving the house? I know I got stuck in the habit of wearing the same pajamas every day for days on end. I wouldn’t shower daily or wash my hair. Why should I bother if I’m just staying home all day is what I would say to myself. Why waste an outfit and make more laundry to do just look good for myself. My fiancĂ© doesn’t care if I’m in the same clothes day after day, or if I do my make up and curl my hair. Why should I? Let me share my Simple Steps to Get Yourself Ready
I let myself go. I let myself go to the point where it was now affecting my mood. My energy. I stopped taking care of myself. Showering shouldn’t be a chore. It shouldn’t be a task to make yourself shower. But it was. I hated having to wash my hair and then go through the process of drying it. My mental health was bad. I wasn’t putting myself or my needs first or anywhere on my list of to-dos. My needs were nowhere to be found.
This New Years I made myself a resolution. I know, I know how cliche right. You make them every year and come mid-February you don’t even remember what those resolutions were. I hardly ever make any goals for myself but this New Year after realizing how far I’ve let myself go, I knew I needed to change. I knew I had to do better for myself. For my fiancĂ©. My kids. They deserved a mom who took pride in what she looked like and how she felt. I told myself this is where I stop. This is where I stop letting the excuses overcome me, stop feeling comfortable with how I’ve been surviving day after day in the same old routine.
I chose to start getting up earlier. I chose to start working out again every morning. I chose to start showering and washing my hair daily. I chose to do some skin care and put a little bit of make up on. I chose to straighten or curl my hair vs let it be dirty for 5 or 6 days. I finally chose to put my needs on the top of my list. I’m choosing to make myself a priority this year.
Here’s what I did to get myself together. To prioritize my needs before the house wakes up. Here’s the steps that I took to Get Myself Together!
Step 1: Wake Up Early
Wake up before the rest of the house. Set your alarm to get up half an hour, an hour earlier then you usually do. You’ll have time to wake up, workout, shower or do whatever fills your needs. My need is a workout. I need to get at least half an hour workout done to set my mood for the day. Leading to number 2.
Step 2: Workout
Get a quick workout done. Wether it be a walk, run, lifting, yoga or meditation. Whatever you’re into, do at least half an hour every morning. Get your body moving. Get your heartrate up. Just move!
Step 3: Journal
I know not everyone likes to write, but I like to journal my workouts. It gives me satisfaction to write down how it went, how I felt during and afterwards and it’s a way for me to go back later and see how far I’ve come.
Step 4: Everthing Shower
Now obviously you don’t need a do everything shower every morning. Make at least one day a week where you, double wash your hair, condition it. shave everything that you do, exfoliate with some Tree Hut sugar scrub, cleanse your face. Do all of the things that you don’t do normally. If you don’t want to shower and wash your hair every day, get a bath and rise the morning off. But clean yourself!
Step 5: Start a skincare routine
I’ve never had to use skin care. Not ever growing up. I now have a skin care routine that I do almost daily. After I cleanse in the shower, I use an eye cream. I apply a hyaluronic acid serum, followed by a vitamin C cream and a toner. The last thing I use is a good moisturizer. Find a routine that works for your skin.
Step 6: Make up
You don’t have to put on a full face of makeup but I put on a little L’oreal Lumi Glow, with some blush and the Elf setting powder. I put a little bit of nude eye shadow on with some mascara and eye liner. With just that little but of makeup I feel like a superstar.
Step 7: Hair Time
Blow dry your hair. I try to curl mine once a week. I love my hair when it’s curled. It puts me in an amazing mood and makes it, so I don’t have to wash it the next day, but it still has some umph to it. Straighten it, use a hair waver, whatever you really like to do to your hair, do it! I feel like hair can make or break your day. So, style your hair!
Step 8: Get dressed
Put clean clothes on. Even if it’s another pair of black leggings with an oversized t-shirt. Put something new on! Dress up for a day. Wear something in your closet you’ve been waiting to wear and just wear it already! Don’t wait to leave your house to get dressed.
Take these steps daily to prioritize your needs! Get Yourself Together to set your tone for the day. Let your needs shine through and become the best version of yourself that your family needs! Make yourself a priority!