Hospital Stay Must Haves for First Time Moms: What to bring and what not to bring
C-Section Birthing Hospital Stay Must Haves
8 Essential Birthing Hospital Must Haves to Make Your Stay Easier
The big day is coming! What are you supposed to bring to the hospital when your little ones make their entry into the world? What should you put in your bag, so you and baby are comfortable while you’re there. I’m going to give you my birthing hospital stay must haves!
You think of all the necessary things like, extra clothes for you, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, body wash. Diapers and wipes for baby, extra Onzie’s, socks and hats, pacifiers, blankets. You make a list of everything that you think you would need.
I know when I had my first planned c-section, I had my bag packed with all the things. I had the diaper bag ready to go with a ton of diapers and 4 extra sets of clothes. I had the creams, bottles, powders, hand sanitizers, mittens, socks, everything that I thought I would need. I packed myself about 5 different outfits, made sure I had my hair and body washes, contact case and solution, deodorant. I had things for me to do while I stayed in the room and baby was sleeping. Thinking of all those things I would use at home because for the next 3-4 days, that hospital room was my home.
I feel like every planned c-section after my first, I packed less and less things. I now knew that they give you all the things you need for baby while you’re there. You get diapers and wipes; they give you a pacifier if you want it. You get swaddles to use and clothes and hats. If you’re breastfeeding, they bring you a pump and whatever you need for it. If you’re using formula don’t worry, they have all that ready! They have all the pads and clean up necessities for you. You even get to take all the things home with you if you don’t use them!
You can obviously use your own things if you want. That cute little outfit you’ve been wanting to put on her since you bought it. The customized swaddle with her name on it. There’s not a written rule saying you have to use the hospitals baby things. For me, I did because that was less packing, I had to do. It was one less thing I had to worry about before giving birth. I’m a do-less, when possible, type of person.
After my first baby, when I went in for my second c-section. I knew what was going to happen. I was ready to get everything going and I was ready to meet my daughter and have my mini vacation in the hospital. I still overpacked things with her. Not as much as my first but in my head, I was still wanting to put my own clothes on her. That quickly feel out the door. I ended up using all the hospitals clothes, swaddles and hats until we left.
Giving birth is an amazing thing! It’s stressful and terrifying and joyful all at the same time. Preparing for your stay shouldn’t be hard. It should be simple. Don’t think too much about what you want to take with you. It’ll end up being way too much and just add more stress. I’m going to share my must-have list with you and hope it makes your stay at the hospital a little easier and more enjoyable.
#1 Clothes
A couple of outfits. I’m a pajama girl so I packed 3 pairs of pajamas and an outfit to leave in. I had an oversized and comfy housecoat that I loved I brought with me. Extra underwear and a comfy bra. Make sure you bring a comfy bra. You won’t want to wear one of those Victoria Secret ones or a wired bra. Make sure you get a loose, supportive nursing bra or a sports bra.
#2 Slippers
Bring your slippers with you. If you won’t have slippers, get a nice pair of gripper socks to wear around the room. You won’t want to be barefoot, and the floors are cold and might be slippery. Falling is the last thing you want to happen so make sure you have some good comfy grippers on your feet.
#3 Shower Supplies
Shampoo/conditioner, body wash, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant and a good face cleanser and moisturizer, Keep it simple. You don’t need your whole skin care routine packed in your bag. Don’t worry about having to do your hair. Keep it to a minimum and only take what you really need.
#4 Nursing Supplies
I didn’t breastfeed any of my babies except I pumped with my last little one for about 3 months. Whether you’re breastfeeding or using formula you’ll still want some nursing pads. You’re going to leak a little even if you’re not breastfeeding. Again, you’ll want a good supportive comfy bra. I used sports bras but find a good one or a nursing bra.
#5 Things to do
You’re going to be spending the next 3-4 days in that room. So, make sure you bring something to do while you’re there. Whether that be a book to read, journaling, headphones to listen to music, sudoku or word finds, bring your iPad or tablet. If you knit or crochet, bring it along. Baby will sleep and the nurses take them quite a bit out of the room so you’ll want something to keep your mind calm.
#6 Going home outfit for baby
You’ll need an outfit for baby for when it’s time to finally go home. Make sure you have mittens, socks, hat and a blanket too, especially if it’s colder months. Don’t worry about bringing the diaper bag full of all the essentials. You can if you want but they have everything you will need while you’re there. You can even leave the bag in the car until it’s time to go home.
#7 A Pillow and Blanket
I don’t know about you, but I like my own pillow, and I like my own blanket. Bringing my own helped me get better rest and it made it so much more comfortable.
#8 Car Seat and Base
You can also leave these in the car until it’s time to leave. They’ll just take up space in your room until then. I don’t know if they still do that but when I had my first, I had to get my car seat and base checked by a nurse before we were allowed to take him home. So, get it checked, make sure it’s installed correctly before you go into the hospital and leave it in the car till it’s time to come home.