I Might Be An Introvert: Is That A Bad Thing?
I’m An Introvert and That’s Perfectly Okay
“Being quiet and reserved doesn’t mean you’re not strong, fierce, and powerful.”-Unknown
Do you enjoy staying at home more than going out? Do you make plans and then cancel last minute because you can’t bring yourself to have a conversation with anyone? Are you exhausted after spending a couple of hours talking to a friend? Can you write down how you feel vs telling someone? Do you avoid going up and saying hi to someone you may know because you don’t feel like they want to talk to you? Do you go over conversations in your head before you actually have to speak to someone else? If you said yes to any of these questions, you might be an introvert. I’m an introvert and it’s okay!
I am an introvert, and I’m embracing it!
Do I wish I could go up to people and start talking like it’s my job sometimes, sure but why would I change who I am to fit in. I know there are things about myself that people find weird or think I’m not a likable person because I don’t talk to hardly anyone. Especially in groups of people. I’ll stand there with my arms folded, biting my lip or playing with my necklace and I might say a total of 5 words. I just don’t know what to say, when to say it or I think to myself that whatever is going to come out of my mouth is unheard.
Having a conversation with someone scares me. I never could hold a good conversation. Any interaction I have with someone I will go home and go over every word I said and wonder if I said enough, if it came out the wrong way or should I have explained what I meant better.
By the end of the night, I’m exhausted.
Going over every detail and wishing I would have never talked at all.
What’s Wrong With Me?
I used to think there was something wrong with me. What kind of person can’t talk to other people. Who would want to be friends with someone like me. I must be the worst person to talk to because I just don’t know what to say. I have an RBF 24/7; I wouldn’t want to talk to myself either.
I look at pictures of moms going out with other moms, having play dates, coffee dates, making memories and would wish that I could be like that.
I would wish I could send a text to my kid’s friends’ moms and plan a play date or a get together and look forward to it. I’d think about being that mom at the park who was smiling and talking to all the other moms. I thought about having that tribe that everyone talks about. I wanted to go up to the other parents at games and have a conversation.
Why couldn’t I just say what I was thinking.
Why couldn’t I put into words what I wanted to say.
Why couldn’t I just be a normal person?
Until I started to realize, I was a normal person. There was nothing wrong with me at all. Being quiet and observant is not a bad thing. Being private about my life was better for me then letting everyone know what I was thinking. Staying in our own little family’s bubble is peaceful. Not wanting to go out or do things because it’s tiring when I can stay home and not have to worry about what people are going to say about me is okay!
Being the way I am makes me who I am.
And I wouldn’t change it for anything!
Being an introvert is okay!
Being quiet is okay!
Staying home is okay!
Not wanting to talk to people is okay!
Spending your time with just your family is okay!
Not wanting to make plans is okay!
Being observant and reserved it okay!
Being an overthinker is okay!
Over analyzing situations is okay!
Not knowing what to say is okay!
Not having to explain yourself is okay!
People not liking you is okay!
Choosing peace over craziness is okay!
Learning that you are normal after all is okay!
Being an introvert is who you are at that is okay!