How To Beat the Mom Burnout

How To Beat the Mom Burnout

Don’t let mom burnout set it with these 8 things you can do: #8 is a big one!

Mom burnout is real. You know that moment you hit when you just want to scream, cry, hide and just not be touched or talked to by anyone. The period you hit when you just need to let it all out. The point where you’re lashing out at everyone and everything that comes near you.

You know what moment I’m talking about.

At some point or another we all hit it. We all have our limitations where we just need to be by ourselves and not hear the words momma for 2 seconds.

You’re needed for every second of the day. By someone. Whether it be to cook, clean up something, doing laundry, running errands, making plans, even the snuggles on the couch when you’re the only one they seem to want to be next all at the same time.

When you haven’t left you house for days, and every little thing is hitting that last nerve that you have left. You feel like you’re just going to lose it at any given moment.

That is the mom burnout.

How can I get mom burnout when I get to stay home all day?

People think when moms have the opportunity to stay home with their kids and not leave the house that we should have all the time and energy in the world. What is there to be so burnt out from? You don’t have to leave your house; you get to spend the whole day with the people you love the most, you have no boss to answer to, or you can leave the house and do whatever you feel like doing at any given point.

While all of that is true, it all comes with its own struggles and frustrations, just like a 9-5 job.

Not leaving your house, being in the same 4 walls day after day can make any person go insane. Being around littles who need you every second from the moment they wake up till the time they close their eyes. We don’t get lunch breaks; we don’t get to clock in and out and leave our jobs at the end of our workday. Being a stay-at-home mom is our job, 24/7.

Are we able to leave our house and do all of the things that we want? Well yes, but I don’t know about you, but the funds aren’t always there for that. Being able to live on one income means just that, you have one income. Especially in the wintertime, there’s not much you can do outside that’s free so staying in the house is better financially.

The mom burn out is starting to slide its way in…

It’s been 4 days since you’ve left the house. You can feel the frustration, the irritation with everything, the mom burnout kicking in. You try to stay busy to keep your mind from wondering and being able to think, but that next spill of milk on your floor hits you.

You watch as it gets knocked over by a dogs tail off of the coffee table. Right after you spent all morning cleaning.

Next thing you know, you’re screaming and crying at the same time. Everything that has been bottled up inside of you comes out. At everyone! You kids, your husband, even the dogs are getting yelled at.

Then the rage cleaning starts. What is there to clean though when you’ve just cleaned all morning. Oh, you find things to clean all while you’re talking to yourself about how nobody can put clothes in the basket and nobody can pick up after themselves.

I’m the only one who does anything around here.

Where is all this coming from?

After about half an hour of basically throwing a toddler tantrum (the mom burnout), you realize you sound absolutely crazy. You make your way back to your family and start apologizing for whatever just happened to you and you move on.

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to that point, I know I need to leave the house. I know I need to be by myself and have some alone time. Mom burnout has shown its face, and she needs some taken care of.

What do you do to help with the burnout or what things do you do to keep yourself happy and avoid getting to the point where you go absolutely insane on your whole family?

Here are some things that can help with not getting stressed to the point of exhaustion and lashing out.

1. Leave the house by yourself

Get in your car and go for a drive. By yourself. Turn up the music and just drive. There’s something about loud music and a back road that is good for you soul. When I would go pick a kid up after school practice, I’d come home just a little bit saner.

2. Go for a walk.

Even in the wintertime. Bundle up, get your hat and gloves on and go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Breathe. Enjoy the scenery and just take it all in. You’re getting exercise in and it’s a mood lifter.

3. Workout

Whether it be early in the morning, late at night or even with your kids joining in with you. Move your body. Get your heartrate up. I get up at 4:30 in the morning just to workout because it’s the only time I can find the motivation to do it. If I don’t get one in, I can tell a mood difference all day long.

4. Read a book

I know not everyone is a book reader. I didn’t use to be. My first book that I read was “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover and I was hooked. I went to the thrift store, found some that sounded good and then after the kids went to sleep or before they got up if I had time I was reading. Find a genre you’re interested in and read!

5. Get a massage

Everyone loves a good massage. Find the time to treat yourself and go get one. Go relax and let someone else take care of you.

6. Pedi/Mani

If you can get away for a couple of hours go get your nails and toes done. There’s something about having fresh painted nails that makes me instantly feel good about myself.

7. Day Trip

Again, if you can find the time where you husband or significant other is home for the day, take a day trip! Either by yourself or with a friend. Go shopping, go for a hike, go out to eat and just sit and talk for a couple hours. Find somewhere new to go and just go. Having a whole day to yourself will not only refresh your mind and remind you you’re not just a mom but you’re also taking care of your own needs doing something you love.

8. Don’t forget date night

If you have the opportunity to go out with your husband, take it! In the middle of all the crazy chaotic kid stuff and living life we often sometimes forget that we were a couple before we became a family. Don’t let that get put on the back burner. Go grab a coffee together, get a sitter and get lunch just the two of you. Go try something new with each other and remember that you still matter, and your relationship needs priority as well. Sometimes all you need is a reminder that you’re in this parenting thing together and having both of you happy makes things just a little easier at home.

Try not to let mom burnout kick in. Remember to take care of yourself in the midst of everything else.

Before you get to the point of exhaustion, try one or two of these self-care tips and see how you feel when you’re done. I know when I do something for just myself my mind is clear, my head is reset, my mood is uplifted, and I know I can make it another day.