Start A Morning Routine for A Successful Day
Start A Morning Routine and Wake Yourself up
Tips to start a morning routine to set yourself up for a great morning!
Are you a morning person? Do you get up when your kids get up and deal with the crazy morning shenanigans while trying to get yourself together or do you need an extra hour or two before they wake to get yourself ready for the day? Are you looking to start getting up earlier and don’t know how when you feel like you need more sleep? I’m going to share how I got started on my morning routine to not only get my mindset right, but to set myself up for a successful day and feel good when I lay back down at night.
I need at least an hour before everyone wakes up. I need that extra me time to wake up, workout, shower and just get myself together, not only for my physical health but my mental health as well. I know if I wait for my littles to start their day, for me to start mine, my mindset is all over the place. I feel like a chicken with its head cut off running around trying to get everyone ready for the day. I get up between 4:00am and 4:30am almost every morning. Was that an easy thing to do? Not at all! Did I get up at that time from Day 1 and rock it? Absolutely not!
Starting a routine and sticking to it takes time. It takes steps and consistency and hard work. I started off with setting my alarm from 4:00, 4:15, 4:30 and in 15 minute increments all the way to 6:00am. I would drag myself out of bed usually around 5:30am and scroll on my phone till 6:30am when it was time to get everyone up for school. I still would get that extra hour to myself, but I wanted more. I wanted better for myself. I wanted to get a workout done. I knew I had to stop hitting snooze and wake up earlier.
Getting up at 4am sounds ridiculous right!!
I know before I started getting up earlier, it seemed impossible. It seemed like that would just make me more tired than I already was every day. Why would I take away sleep when I thought I needed more. Once I got on a good morning routine that worked for me, I ended up noticing I had more energy. More energy than if I would sleep in till 8am or later. I get more done in my day and more accomplished and I would over all just be in a better mood. Having a routine and sticking to it doesn’t have to be hard or compicated. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy or out of this world. You make it work for you. You do things that fit into your style and your goals.
My goal was to wake up, workout, get a shower and start a blog. I wanted out of the funk of sleeping longer and having unproductive days. Day after day or feeling like I could be doing more. That feeling or laziness and failure because I did nothing for myself. Taking care of yourself while being a SAHM is so important and must be prioritized. My routine still isn’t perfect or how I want it to look but I’ve taken the steps to get where I am now and I’m still working on the rest. I’m writing this morning when I had the intentions of working out. I had every intent of getting my workout done, I had it written down, I took some pre workout, got my shoes on and the next thing I knew my littles were awake in their room. One was up already at 4am, when my alarm went off, and the next was up at 5am. So needless to say, my workout is being pushed back till my fiancĂ© gets home. Your routine won’t always be flawless or go as planned and that’s okay! You adjust to make it work and keep moving.
What’s next on my morning routine after I work out, is to write a blog. I wanted to start a blog for the longest time, but I didn’t know where to start and honestly a little scared. It was something I wanted to do though. So here I am, missing my morning workout and decided I’d share my morning routine with you all instead. Share what my mornings looked like and how I got myself to wake up at 4am in the morning. It’s not perfect, it’s not the same every day and things don’t always happen the way I want it to. Like this morning.
Getting started is the first thing. Knowing why you want to get up earlier or why you need a routine is important. Write it down, know what you want your mornings to look like. Start small and set realistic goals at first so you stick to it and get to where you want to be. Don’t be hard on yourself. If you feel like you’ll never get there, you WILL!
Heres an example of what my morning routine looks like.
***4:00am/4:30am – Wake up
***4:30am/5:00am – Drink water and take pre workout
***5:00am/5:30am – Workout
***5:30am-6:00am – Blog
***6:00am/6:30am – Shower
***6:30am/7:00am – Get kids up for school
***7:10am – Bus comes
***7:30am – Get my little one around for the day
***8:00am – Breakfast for the little
And then we start our day. Whether that be running errands, cleaning the house, starting the million loads of laundry that seem to always be there or just playing and enjoying the rest of the day.
Whatever you want your routine to look like, make a plan and get started! Use that time to catch up on some needed reading, start journaling and pick back up where you left off. Shower, drink your coffee or tea, get a nice long hot shower and do all the things! Or if you just want to sit in the peace and quiet and mentally prepare yourself for the day, that works too! If you’re looking to start a workout program, put it into your schedule to do before the kids wake up. If you’re not an early workout person, fit it in somewhere else in your day. Do what makes you happy and what will make you feel better about yourself. Set yourself up for success the moment you step out of bed.
Make that time for yourself every day! Make yourself a priority! If you want a little inspiration on getting yourself together in the morning head over to Get Yourself Together and get it going!