Tomorrow Never Comes

Tomorrow Never Comes

Tomorrow Never Comes

How many times have you looked at yourself and thought, I need to lose about 25lbs.? I know I think to myself on a daily basis how much weight I’ve gained after 4 pregnancies’, how much my body has changed and even at all the different weights I’ve been at, my body never looks the same. I can’t remember a day in my life that I was ever happy with how my body look. Growing up in middle and elementary school I was never on the thin side. I was always bigger than all the other girls in my class. Yeah, I had one summer where I lost some weight and went back to senior year feeling amazing but eventually, mid school year, I was right back to where I started. Wearing baggy clothes and just feeling meh all the time.

That has crossed over into my adult life. Everyone talks about wanting to lose the baby weight or wanting to start working out and eating better. It’s a viscous cycle that I know I’m on all the time. You’re always wanting to eat healthier, start working out, doing all the things needed but I don’t know about you all but I’m always pushing it back to either the next day, or I’ll start Monday with a fresh new week, or some even wait for a new month to start. Mine most of the time is tomorrow. I’ll eat something or have a drink of something that “isn’t in the plan” and then I talk myself into forgetting the rest of the day, eat anything and everything I see because “tomorrow is a new day” and before I know it, my tomorrows are every day. I get nowhere and all of a sudden, I’ve gained 10lbs, 15lbs, 25lbs and my clothes don’t fit anymore.

Tomorrow Never Comes! I say this to myself all the time. I say it to my fiancé all the time when we know we’re procrastinating something. Tomorow never comes. Now, some may say, Amanda tomorrow does come, that’s how it works. While you are right, thinking of it simply. Let’s say, you’re on a health journey. Every day you wake up you have a plan on how your days going to go. Youree going to wake up, drink some water, stretch and get a quick workout in. You’re going to eat a healthy breakfast with yet again more water. You’re going to have a lunch planned and healthy dinner planned. But there’s that little moment in between breakfast and lunch, where your littles are playing and having all their snacks. Your little guy wants to give you a bite of his snack. You hesitate but how can you say no to that precious face who’s wanting to share his food with you right. You give in and you take a bite. Now I have this thought in my head…”Oh no, I just ruined my day, I shouldn’t have eaten that but since I did, I might as well go enjoy that cupcake I’ve been eyeing in the cabinet all morning and I’ll just start again tomorrow.” As your day goes on you continue to eat random things you find because well, your days ruined and you’re starting tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and it’s a repeated process. you catch yourself saying those 3 little words, I’ll start tomorrow. You’ll end up with all kinds of excuses as why tomorrow is better.

Now, instead of thinking your whole day is ruined I might as well ruin it completely and start fresh in the morning, think of it as…one tiny snack or one small piece of candy is okay! It’s okay to not be perfect. It’s okay to eat something that isn’t in your “plan”. It’s okay to have a reeses peanut butter cup and still continue your day as you need to, to reach your goals and stay consistent. Because you see, tomorrow never comes if you keep saying it every day. Tomorrow will always be tomorrow, and you will end up with no progress at all. It’s an easy out, and easy excuse to have at your side. You need to throw out your excuses.

Being at home all the time makes it hard! You’re within a couple feet of your cabinet full of food and it’s so easy to just grab and go. It’s so easy to let your plan go out the window. Tomorrow never comes though, tomorrow will always be there so you might as well stick to your plan and make your tomorrow today. Make those goals and hit them today!

I’m going to share how my tomorrow started today and hopefully you join me today because tomorow never comes! Head on over to Time To Wake Up and get a start on your morning routine!

What are some topics as a stay-at-home mom are you looking for insight on?

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